MMapFile: File locking failed with error code 37
Jerry Feldman
gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at
Wed Feb 4 07:33:45 EST 2009
Thanks. We submitted an official bug report to Red Hat. Under the rules=20
I must work under, all my systems must be running RHEL 5.2 unpatched. =20
While we have a mix of systems in Toronto with both Solaris and older=20
RHEL servers, we use the NFS server for both development and server.=20
I'll try to grab a more recent kernel when I get a chance to reboot. I=20
can actually run a test on another system first just to verify that the=20
new kernel fixes the problem.
On 02/03/2009 08:52 PM, Nuno Sucena Almeida wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> as I mentioned, our problem was with locking and after some searching
> on the lkml , reading about similar reports and actually seeing a
> diff on the kernel git repository, I upgraded the kernel on the
> server and stopped having problems with NFS. It might be the same
> issue that you have and at that time I was surprised that it took
> that long for the problem and a fix to show up. I actually don't
> remember the circustances where the client machines would start to
> complain, but it wasn't obvious, although probably I used strace to
> reach the conclusion that some weird thing was going on with locking.
> Good luck!,
> Nuno
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 01:08:18PM -0500, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> =20
>> I have a bit more information. I was able to find the lines of code, a=
nd it=20
>> has nothing to do with mmap(2). The problem is with fcntl, and only wh=
>> int fcnt =3D fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &fl); /* fails when NFS server is RHE=
L 5.2=20
>> =20
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Jerry Feldman <gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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