To persons w/ a cable modem

Rich Braun richb at
Mon May 10 11:42:00 EDT 1999

Jerry Feldman wrote:
> WRT: Linux and Cable modem services. Most ISPs only support Windows
> (95/98/NT) and Mac. What they mean by support is that their phone line
> support will only provide help for those systems. There are many Linux users
> on Mediaone. Currently, M1X will only install on a Windows or Mac OS system.
> Also, if you have a home network, they want you to disconnect it before you
> install. This is mostly because they do not want to train their staff on
> other operating systems. Otherwise, they have a Linux news group as well as
> a lot of customers who use Linux. 

I forgot to mention in my other post:  RCN's policy on Linux mirrors that
of M1X.  And they too have a fair number of Linux users (obviously, not as
many as M1X yet).  There is a movement to get an internal Linux self-
help newsgroup created, but there isn't one (under or, as
proposed, a new erols.unsupported or equivalent hierarchy) yet.  One of
the locals in Somerville created an faq web site.  If I get ambitious, or
if folks here on this list want me to, I can set up a forum of some sort.
It's all kinda new, though.

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