To persons w/ a cable modem

Jerry Feldman {75562} gzf at
Mon May 10 10:39:59 EDT 1999

Richard Royston wrote:

> I see that he (like me) appears to be using a part of the RCN organization
> (erols) as his ISP. I went to them because other people I approached told me
> that they would not support Unix or linux, and would not give me information
> like UserID or passwords. I have been unable, however, to get RCN to respond
> to my enquiries about whether they have any intentions of providing cable or
> cable modem service in my neighbourhood (Charlestown). Have you any idea how
> to prod them to answer this?
Unfortunately, you are in Boston, and I cannot answer your question

WRT: Linux and Cable modem services. Most ISPs only support Windows
(95/98/NT) and Mac. What they mean by support is that their phone line
support will only provide help for those systems. There are many Linux users
on Mediaone. Currently, M1X will only install on a Windows or Mac OS system.
Also, if you have a home network, they want you to disconnect it before you
install. This is mostly because they do not want to train their staff on
other operating systems. Otherwise, they have a Linux news group as well as
a lot of customers who use Linux. 

Jerry Feldman (HP On-Site Consultant)
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