One way cable modems
Jerry Feldman {75562}
gzf at
Thu Aug 26 14:04:19 EDT 1999
tkeller at wrote:
> I think the one way cable modems are just a cheap way out of the cable
> company having to upgrade their service. Thankfully this is why Greater
> Media isn't providing cable modem support until they have the fiber stuff
> installed (thus providing two way)
I agree here. But the demand for high speed service at a low cost is very
high. I do know that Mediaone has done some one way service here in Mass,
but I don't know the circumstances. IMHO. One way cable modem service is
better than 2 way dialup service. It is also a way for the cable operator to
get its feet into the door. Cable modem service is one of the least
expensive services available. If the cable operator does not want to upgrade
or defers the upgrade, that's a bad thing, but if the cable operator is
offering one way service for a short time, it is an advantage. Patrick does
have many good points.
In the long run, IMHO, one way services will probably be relegated to rural
Jerry Feldman (HP On-Site Consultant)
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