further VMWoes

Brian Conway dogbert at clue4all.net
Wed Aug 4 09:34:13 EDT 1999

> What do you have setup for the netmask?  From the sounds of it,
> you have the netmask set "incorrectly" to where you
> really want it to be

The netmask is set to  Why it's coming up with such a
broadcast is beyond me.  Regardless, I managed to fiddle with it enough to
get bridged networking correct in the end.  Now I am totally at a loss as
to getting host-only w/ masquerading to work.  I'm not sure what to set
the various IP information to in order to allow it to reach the linux host
at all.  /dev/rtc is also a bit frustrating at the moment too, in that I
dunno what is causing such an error.

Brian Conway
dogbert at clue4all.net

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