[Discuss] seeking places for good discussion about GNU/Linux programming topics

Daniel M Gessel daniel at syntheticblue.com
Thu Oct 27 18:45:55 EDT 2022

After retiring, I was glad for a break from technical work, but I'm 
starting up some GNU/Linux programming with the intention of eventually 
turning it into an open source project.

I'm looking for lively and welcoming discussion boards to chat about 
programming topics, with a focus on C coding. Some sample topics might 
be using Wayland or the layers compositors are built on, such as 
KMS/GBM/DRM; GL and/or Vulkan both with and without Wayland; 
inter-process communication and shared memory; setting up the process 
address space, and user space fault handling.

I'm not looking for a hardcore kernel group, although digging through 
the kernel code sometimes helps me understand how to do stuff.

An (almost) unrelated topic is alternatives to GitHub for git hosting. 
GitHub has nice features and a large community of developers, but I'd 
like a backup plan.

Any recommendations would be welcome!



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