[Discuss] ZFS for an Encrypted External Disk: My Experience and Notes

markw at mohawksoft.com markw at mohawksoft.com
Tue Jul 26 11:10:36 EDT 2022

> On Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:55:49 -0400
> markw at mohawksoft.com wrote:
>> Be that as it may, its been my experience (anecdotal) that the Linux
>> USB storage stack has issues and tends to go offline under highly
>> concurrent heavy load. This faults the drive and fails ZFS, YMMV
> I have been running backups to ZFS on USB storage for years. Some zfs
> send/receive with data copies=2, some rsync with mirrored USB
> drives. Never experienced any problems of this sort.

USB-3 or USB-2?

> --
> \m/ (--) \m/
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