[Discuss] html lock

Dale R. Worley worley at alum.mit.edu
Tue Jan 26 22:35:33 EST 2021

> From: MC <boumanmcc at mykolab.com>
> any hope to lock html code? to prevent wholesale download and content 
> theft? let's bypass the "don't post it" strategy. Don't want a 
> username/passcode option either. these websites must surface on standard 
> google searches and be readily accessible.

Of course, you can't do that because it's the browser at the user's end
that interprets the HTML to show the user.

But I realized that this question is essentially what Digital Rights
Management is, having software on the user's end that is owned
by/controlled by/responsible to *the server* and not *the user* to
decode and let the user look at (but not touch) the content.


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