[Discuss] Cloud-backup solutions for Linux?

Edward Ned Harvey (blu) blu at nedharvey.com
Fri Sep 25 08:40:43 EDT 2015

> From: Discuss [mailto:discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey.com at blu.org] On
> Behalf Of Matt Shields
> What's
> sad about this back and forth is that a few people already made up their
> minds to dismiss my solution because it doesn't fit their needs or
> definition.

Most people care about ownCloud destroying data on network interruptions, because with mobile devices and laptops, that's a normal part of life. I've talked with hundreds of IT people about file sync, being that it's my business, and of all the people I've ever talked with about ownCloud, exactly two of them have said they recommend it. You're the second one.

Most people don't care (but should) about privacy in the cloud, which ownCloud also doesn't do. You only get privacy with ownCloud if you operate your own physical server physically secured on-premise in your basement or network closet or something. Even if you enable server-side encryption on ownCloud, the encryption keys are stored on the server, so it's almost pointless.

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