[Discuss] [RANT] Firefox and Flash 11.2

Stuart Brorson sdb at cloud9.net
Thu Dec 25 08:24:19 EST 2014

I view this as a feature.  It means that heavily flash-laden web pages
don't bog my machine down with mindless crap videos anymore.  On those
rare occasions when I actually want to see something distributed as
flash, then I can turn it on.  I now have more control over my
computer -- what's not to like about that?


On Thu, 25 Dec 2014, Jerry Feldman wrote:

> We all know that Adobe is no longer producing Flash plugins newer than
> 11.2 for NPAPI. The latest version for Linux is They are
> still updating it for security issues. However, recently I am getting
> blocking messages in Firefox, so for each page there is a flash I have
> to allow it. Also, in managing vSphere, one of the servers requires
> Flash 11.5. On the positive note Google Chrome uses the Pepper Plugin
> Interface, and does have the newer flash plugin, so in the case of
> vSphere, I can use Chrome. But, I tend to prefer Firefox.
> -- 
> Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
> Boston Linux and Unix
> PGP key id:B7F14F2F
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