[Discuss] learning python - formal training opportunities ?

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Wed Jun 12 10:38:15 EDT 2013

On 06/12/2013 10:00 AM, Stephen Goldman wrote:
> Good morning,
>          Would the community know if a scripting language such as Python would be offered at a community college ? If not other means .. other than buying a book?
A quick check. Mass Bay Community College in Wellesley offers a 
"Practical Python Programming" course. The Python books such as 
O'Reilly's Learning Python are excellent. One issue with Python is that 
Python 3 is not very backward compatible with Python 2.x. The books 
delineate some of the differences. Also, Python has n Object Oriented 
mode so you can develop OO scripts. Also, while Python is a scripting 
language, when you run a Python script, it automatically compiles it and 
subsequent executions of the same script use the compiled version. (.py 
- Python source, .pyc - Python compiled object, .pyo - precompiled).

Like any other script, using a #! in the first line will execute the 
target interpreter.

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
PGP key id:3BC1EB90
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.pyc - compiled object. , .pyo -=

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