[Discuss] core competency

Rich Pieri richard.pieri at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 11:33:54 EST 2013

On Thu, 24 Jan 2013 08:58:29 -0500
"Grant M." <gmongardi at napc.com> wrote:

> Last point: GOOD Linux system engineers are very difficult to come
> by. Competant Linux admins are out there, but it's not always easy to
> tell them from mediocre Linux admins. Tinkerers calling themselves
> admins, and admins calling themselves engineers are far too common.

You can tell the mediocre sysadmins by counting how many certified
engineer certificates they have.

You can separate the good sysadmins from the great ones by asking if
they're lazy. The good ones will be horrified; the great ones will
admit it.

Also, great sysadmins usually don't refer to themselves engineers even
if their job titles bill them as such.

The real world isn't so cut-and-dried but it's still food for thought.

Rich P.

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