[Discuss] Home NAS redux

Edward Ned Harvey (blu) blu at nedharvey.com
Mon Jan 7 12:37:29 EST 2013

> From: Mark Woodward [mailto:markw at mohawksoft.com]
> I take offense to a license that allows someone to take
> my intellectual property that I have intentionally shared and deny
> others the benefits I intend. That is theft.

CDDL doesn't allow that either.  MIT does.

Under CDDL, all contributions / modifications of the code that was CDDL originally must remain CDDL, and the code must remain open.  However, a binary may be compiled from a mixture of CDDL and non-CDDL code, and the binary itself does not need to be CDDL.  But if you distribute a larger work that is partially built from CDDL code, you must provide notification that parts are CDDL, and provide a copy of CDDL, and a copy of the CDDL code.

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