[Discuss] Travelling abroad & taking technology

Edward Ned Harvey (blu) blu at nedharvey.com
Tue Jan 1 08:16:17 EST 2013

> From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey.com at blu.org [mailto:discuss-
> bounces+blu=nedharvey.com at blu.org] On Behalf Of Matt Shields
> My understanding is Fedex or UPS'ing it would take a month to get through
> customs.  That's just what I've been told.

More like 2-3 weeks, and $1million, in my experience shipping things to/from France.

This is because it's electronics equipment.  Same slowdown doesn't apply to a box of clothing or books.

Matt, you should also be aware, the likelihood of wiring incompatibility is very high - At least in terms of power.  (Fortunately, Ethernet is very standard.)

And most likely, any manufacturer won't honor a warranty for a device in the wrong country.  Ask me how I know Dell won't cover a US warranty on a product in India, and HP won't service a laptop until it's back on US soil.

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