[Discuss] retrospective (was "list quiet?")

Doug Mildram dmildram at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 22:54:02 EST 2013

3cent offering from a trollXXXXXXmostly-listener.

I like this list and have for years, mostly just listening.

The upsides are huge to a smart list: obviously/mostly
   BraveWarrior> how does this beast/daemon really work? Here's my symptom:
   WiseMan1> I might know! What's your $ENV_BEAST apache setting?

And so on.  The Downside to the smart list is one I'm prone to:

me/doug> (chirp) (still waiting for someone to ask something I'm really up
                  like linux-based-carburetors, ok,, I made that up)

God bless us every one.....hope to get off my butt and attend a list

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