[Discuss] The next Linux desktop: Ubuntu 12.04

Richard Pieri richard.pieri at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 07:50:23 EST 2012

I think that what we have here is another case of a Linux desktop 
following the leaders (Macintosh, Windows) without understanding *why* 
those leaders are doing what they're doing.  As you pointed out, Tom, 
Metro isn't a power user's shell.  It's intended for small, touch-based 
devices, and with good reason.  That's where the money is these days. 
Apple and Microsoft are focused on smartphones and tablets because 
that's what consumers are buying in staggering quantities.

What is Canonical focused on?  I just don't see the point.  Without 
mainstream tablets and smartphones running Unity in the pipeline there 
really isn't a point to it.

Rich P.

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