[Discuss] asset/inventory db : tracmor or ?
Doug Mildram
dmildram at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 12:58:10 EDT 2012
Now that the big production DB thread's calmed...i think....
(actually, thanks: I learned much,because I have nearly everything to
I've got a small "non-production" need, and I'm OK with using mysql.
I'm implementing (still in early research/try-this-out mode)
an INVENTORY, i mean ASSET, system for work/campus (network operations).
Basically "where's my stuff"...what model/etc equipment in each network
optionally adding cost/value/maint$ fields.
Found an amazing LACK of common/popular tools for this initially;
Then I found something that actually worked w/ PHP5 from the free tarball
(warning...don't be confused by their need to sell cloud seats for the
tool at...)
You can avoid the cloud and do your own localized/private install.
Onto your LAMP server you can try the PHP/etc at
and with some savvy (the INSTALL doc leaves a bit for you to intuit, like
not explaining the single-db-username is separate from web-user-names)
IT ACTUALLY WORKS. So far minimally, I mean ....GUI looks good,
videos on the main site are helpful and seem to apply equally to
a cloud user/customer, versus my-localized-installation,
though I'm having import problems at the moment.
Just thought I'd throw this out there in case it's useful (and/or I get or
share some
feedback/tips if anyone else tries it!) Alternate tool ideas
welcome.... -- doug
==========TERMINOLOGY (standard or not? for this tool, there's....)
ASSETS == Equipment you keep and maybe loan out, with serial numbers.....
INVENTORY == things like cables w/o serial numbers you want to track.
Although an "Inventory" in most minds is the info/collection of the assets.
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