[Discuss] Econonomic contribution

Daniel C. dcrookston at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 00:13:10 EDT 2011

Ritchie.  Jobs made things pretty, which helped people enjoy using
them (and he was fantastic at it).  But the actual "work" at Apple was
done by other people.  This leads to the question of whether vision
and direction (which Jobs provided in spades) should be counted as
less important than technical acumen.  I'm not going to answer this
question - rather I'm going to point out that Ritchie, in addition to
providing actual engineering savvy, also provided vision and direction
(in spades) to the software and computing world.  Whether you count
Ritchie's technical + vision sum as greater or less than Jobs'
marketing + vision + belligerently stealing other people's ideas and
pretending they were his.  (You can guess where I stand.)


On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:39 PM,  <markw at mohawksoft.com> wrote:
> Had a little debate, at work, about the importance of the work two men.
> Steve Jobs and Dennis Ritchie.
> Who contributed more to the world and who created more wealth? We all know
> who had more money, but who was more important?

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