HTML5? (Was: ebooks and pdf?)

jc-8FIgwK2HfyJMuWfdjsoA/w at jc-8FIgwK2HfyJMuWfdjsoA/w at
Wed Apr 13 21:10:32 EDT 2011

Laura Conrad wrote:
| >>>>> "Jerry" == Jerry Feldman <gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at> writes:
|     >> I think it's a pretty simple conversion between epub and html, so I'm
|     >> assuming it's likely there will be programs that can read it for the
|     >> forseeable future.
|     >>
|     >> If I did get paranoid about that, I could have calibre convert all my
|     >> epubs to html.  So far I haven't done that.
|     >>
|     >>
|     Jerry> Why not run a test and see which format you prefer.
| I think with my current display program (FBReader), there's no
| difference.  The issue would be if future display programs worked with
| one and not the other.  HTML has demonstrated longevity, and the OP was
| claiming that epub hasn't yet.

Which reminds me: I've been seeing more and  more  glowing  prase  of
HTML5,  but  not  surprisingly,  when  I've  tried  digging  into the
details, I find a bit of a  confused  mess  of  documentation.   Does
anyone know of a good introductory HTML5 doc, tutorial, or whatever?

With all this praise, someone has to be working  on  teaching  us  to
produce this new, improved HTML ...

 <:#/>  John Chambers
   +   <jc-8FIgwK2HfyJMuWfdjsoA/w at>
  /#\  <jc1742-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at>
  | |

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