Android Tablet

Laura Conrad lconrad-O0WJhd4tT3hg9hUCZPvPmw at
Tue Apr 5 11:54:25 EDT 2011

>>>>> "Kent" == Kent Borg <kentborg-KwkGvOEf1og at> writes:

    Kent> P.S. Even without root, I can ssh into my phone (though not on
    Kent> port 22), I can ssh out, I can run Python. I can do stuff...

How do you do that, and can you rsync stuff to it?

Laura   (mailto:lconrad-O0WJhd4tT3hg9hUCZPvPmw at
(617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

If there happens to be a number of greater voices in the Concert than
your own, they will swallow you up; therefore in such a case, I would
recommend to you the resolution (tho' not the impudence) of a
discarded actor, who after he had been twice hissed off the stage,
mounted again, and with great assurance he thundered out these words:
"I will be heard".

William Billings

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