Alternatives for outbound email service

Rich Braun richb-RBmg6HWzfGThzJAekONQAQ at
Sun Sep 26 15:30:27 EDT 2010

For several years (since Comcast started blocking port 25), I've been using a
particular company's SMTP relay service for my personal mail.

Lately I'd say 30% of my outbound messages are getting trapped by spam
filters, for reasons that I can only guess.  One possibility is that my
outbound messages contain several Received headers, at least one of which
identifies my dynamic Comcast IP.

I still want to run my own Postfix or exim server but I think I need to
redesign this so I better control over the reputation of my outbound service.

Are any of y'all still running your own mail server?  Is there any inexpensive
way to accomplish this, as an alternative to the now-failing DynDNS MailHop
Outbound?  Or do I throw in the towel and set up a Gmail account?


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