Don't get caught up in the hype - the Zen of "The Unix Philosophy"

Doug sweetser-FrUbXkNCsVf2fBVCVOL8/A at
Thu Oct 28 15:23:27 EDT 2010

Nice.  That was my attitude with the command line quaternions project.
 That came in handy when someone using WindowsXP wanted to run my
software.  There were two issues dealing with .exe's, but that was all
the customization required after installing cygwin and POVRay.

What is an open question for me is doing a web site in this style.
Right now I am using Drupal.  I watched a webinar on it today because
it is such a soup of technologies: mysql, php, svn, and modules
written in whatever code the person felt like, large number of APIs I
know nothing about.  To be a good admin, I need a dev environment, a
staging environment for testing, and the site itself.

The BEST Drupal tool out there is called drush - modeled on the Unix
shell, go figure.  It rocks for updating all these packages, but I
cannot trust that all these updates play nicely with each other.

Anyone out there trying to manage a web site using just unix tools?


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