Linux on netbooks

Dan Ritter dsr-mzpnVDyJpH4k7aNtvndDlA at
Fri Mar 26 21:14:21 EDT 2010

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 04:58:11PM -0400, David Kramer wrote:
> The one last thing I would love feedback on is hard drive space.  Most
> of these units come with 160GB hard drives.  I am ASSUMING this would be
> cramped with both Win 7 Starter (plus Office, Firefox, etc and maybe a
> ripped movie or two) and Ubuntu Netbook Remix (plus OO, Firefox, and
> java/eclipse).  There are SOME 250GB units out there, but that really
> limits my choices.  Do you think 160GB would be enough, or should I
> choose a 250GB model?

My current home desktop has a 160GB drive:

/dev/sda3              46G  8.5G   36G  20% /
/dev/sda1             942M   54M  889M   6% /boot
/dev/sda4              99G   54G   40G  58% /home

Note that I really didn't need to put all that space into root; if I
redo it, 20 or 25GB would be fine.

Of course, it also has access to my network filesystems and backup
systems. But still, it's plenty of room for a decent music collection
and the specific movies that you want on a given trip.


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