Subversion configuration
Frank DiPrete
fdiprete-Wuw85uim5zDR7s880joybQ at
Tue Jan 19 15:53:53 EST 2010
Jerry Feldman wrote:
> I'm just setting up a subversion repository for the first time. I have
>, but one question remains.
> If I set up the repository as root, everything is owned by root
> initially. Or, is it useful to set up a svn user id similar to CVS.
> Actually, while there are 4 of us who will have access, only one person
> in reality will be checking files into and out of the repository except
> that I will be populating the repository initially.
it's a really good idea to setup the repo as a user "svnd" who owns the
files and is the daemon user to run the subversion daemon. also, I found
that using xinit to start the daemon is a pita, so it's better just to
run the daemon via init script.
As for checkin and checkout perms, it is a good idea to set this up from
the get-go. you can decide to have default perms set to allow all to
check out and a simple user=pass list in the repo's passwd file is a
good start. better to do it now in the event that the requirements
change without notice ;)
I wrote an init script for rh-ish distro's if you want it.
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