Single-signon (Subversion, Apache etc)

David Kramer david-8uUts6sDVDvs2Lz0fTdYFQ at
Wed Feb 10 01:26:28 EST 2010

Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
>> I'm in the middle of rolling out an OpenLDAP server to act as the
>> heart of my 'single sign-on' infrastructure in an intranet environment
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but SSO normally refers to Kerberos and/or AD,
> right?  Sign on once, and then all your authentication requests to the
> fileserver, webserver, etc, are all automatic, without even prompting.  I
> know I've seen that in an all-MS environment...

Strictly speaking, that's the case.  Many people take it to also mean
"single point of authentication management" (one password to rule them
all), though I agree this is a stretch.

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