Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Free Software and Web Applications
John Abreau
jabr-mNDKBlG2WHs at
Tue Aug 10 01:51:34 EDT 2010
I recorded the audio. I'll try to remember to convert it soemtime this week.
The raw file is a 16-bit, 96K WAV file that clocks in at about 1.2 GB.
If you can bring a thumb drive to the BBQ, I can give you the raw file.
I also have a couple similar-size files from prior meetings that I haven't
examined yet.
On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 7:39 PM, David Kramer <david-8uUts6sDVDvs2Lz0fTdYFQ at> wrote:
> David Kramer wrote:
>> Jerry Feldman wrote:
>>> When: July 21, 2010 7PM (6:30PM for Q&A)
>>> Topic: Free Software and Web Applications
>>> Moderator: Seung Chan Lim
>>> Location: MIT Building E51, Room 325
>>> A discussion of Free Software principles and Web Application
>>> Seung Chan discusses the use of Free Software principles in web
>>> applications.
>>> Using currently existing technology, we can choose to make our web
>>> applications in such a way that they can be more readily broken apart
>>> and inspected by those who wish to, then repurposed in different ways.
>>> Seung Chan leads a discussion of the implications of the Free
>>> Software idea, and the hurdles, etc...
>> Is there any possibility of someone videotaping this for me? I am very
>> interested in this topic, but will be out of town.
> Was anyone able to videotape this meeting?
> How did it go?
> Was there a slideshow I can get at least?
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