Help! my surround sound doesn't surround me

Laura Conrad lconrad-O0WJhd4tT3hg9hUCZPvPmw at
Fri Oct 16 08:37:15 EDT 2009

>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Ritter <dsr-mzpnVDyJpH4k7aNtvndDlA at> writes:

    Dan> It's likely that your TV is not passing the audio signal from
    Dan> the DVD player correctly. Try connecting a digital sound output
    Dan> from the DVD player to your receiver.

That turns out to work for the cable box, but still no luck with the
DVD player.   Luckily it's new, so if it really turns out to not do
surround sound, I can send it back.  

    Dan> I thought from your Subject that this was going to be a "I
    Dan> hooked up all the cables properly from my computer to my
    Dan> receiver, and it still sounds like stereo!" which is usually
    Dan> caused by an obscure badly labelled switch in alsamixer going by
    Dan> a name like DXS1.

Is there a well labeled switch in alsamixer?  I know about firing up
gnome-alsamixer and pushing all the buttons until the sound works.

Unfortunately the interface on the DVD player is even worse than that
one, since you have to stop playing sound and got through several
screens to get between where you can push the buttons and where you
can tell what the sound is like.

Laura   (mailto:lconrad-O0WJhd4tT3hg9hUCZPvPmw at
(617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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