GUI notifications from syslog

Madison McGaffin greyhill-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Wed Mar 25 23:19:07 EDT 2009

> In the absence of any better suggestions, I'll pursue the idea of coding 
> up some Perl glue to use libnotify. I was hoping the libnotify package 
> came with a command line tool, but it apparently doesn't. No big deal. 
> It'll just be a few lines of Perl to create something that reads from a 
> named pipe fed by syslogd.
> I'm just surprised this problem hasn't been solved several times over. 
> It should be a common need. I've seen a similar solution applied to a 
> specific domain. For example, Debian/Ubuntu has the smart-notifier 
> package which is a Python program that displays an alert message on your 
> desktop if there is a SMART disk error (it works with smartd). Why not 
> have a more general solution that displays all critical syslog messages 
> on the desktop, and then just have smartd log a message of the 
> appropriate priority?
>   -Tom

I don't know about pushing messages across a network, but I've whipped
together a few scripts like what you've mentioned with notify-send.  It
sounds a bit like what you're looking for.


notify-send "Updating locatedb.  Go get a cup of coffee."

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