Fedora 11 - could not start boot splash: No such file or directory

Jarod Wilson jarod-ajLrJawYSntWk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org
Thu Jun 11 17:42:26 EDT 2009

On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:42 PM, Randy Cole wrote:

> Getting this error during the boot process immediately after the ext4
> filesystem is mounted.  Google has been unhelpful.  Note, the install
> froze on package 1663 of 1663 (both times I tried it), and I shut down
> /var/log/messages is empty.

But the system actually boots?

It sounds like some plymouth component isn't installed, but I dunno  
how that would have happened... And the graphical boot stuff should  
actually be loaded from the initrd, before any ext4 filesystem is  
mounted, so that's even more odd...

Jarod Wilson
jarod-ajLrJawYSntWk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org

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