Using Amazon's Elastic Cloud EC2 and Rsync to back up data files
Matt Shields
matt-urrlRJtNKRMsHrnhXWJB8w at
Thu Jan 29 13:54:10 EST 2009
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 1:41 PM, James Kramer <kramerjm-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:04 PM, Ben Eisenbraun <bene-Gk2boCrsRs1AfugRpC6u6w at> wrote:
> >
> > I got curious about this whole thing and ended up reading the
> > thread, and then the linked how to article, and then Amazon EC2 docs...
> > so now I have an opinion, and you get to read it! Yay! </sarcasm>
> >...
> > Maybe I'm not fully grokking the set up, but the passphraseless bit
> > wouldn't concern me.
> >....
> > No, it doesn't. You are basically connecting to a "new" sshd on every
> > single backup run; the value of host key checking is negated by that
> fact,
> > not the fact that you have decided to ignore the useless keys.
> It is good to know that the system that I am using is fairly secure
> because it is working really well using EC2 compared to using s3sync
> and s3fs to backup to S3. The back up using EC2 ran flawlessly. I
> can make timed snapshots of my EC2 volume to S3 whenever I want. When
> I used s3sync and s3fs schemes with S3, I was constantly having
> problems with broken links and data was not synced properly. In my
> opinion, the EC2 method is the best way to go. EC2 cost $0.10 per
> hour to run so it is expensive if you keep it running continuously but
> very inexpensive if you boot it up, backup your data, and then
> shutdown. What I like most about using EC2 is that I understand how
> it works. I never understood how S3 works and so I needed to rely on
> the s3sync and s3fs to work properly. Once I clean up my script and
> assure that it is working without incident, I will work on all the
> suggestions posted to this tread. Thanks for the advice
> Jay
> PS. I have yet to implement it into cron
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I'm wondering if someone could put some real world numbers to what it's
costing them to use EC2 for backups. Maybe I did it wrong, but for about
10GB of storage it was going to cost me around $100/month, but maybe I did
the calculation wrong.
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