Discuss Digest, Vol 26, Issue 18

Rich Braun richb-RBmg6HWzfGThzJAekONQAQ at public.gmane.org
Sat Dec 19 12:37:07 EST 2009

Jarod said:
> I'd use one
> of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux clones or an Ubuntu LTS release or something
> like that. Not sure if anyone has ever tried a SLES clone, or if Novell even
> makes it possible...

I can't even imagine going down the Red Hat road... see my previous posts on
*that* topic.  That said, my approach is agnostic about the distro.  If I were
to publish the distro, I'd strip it down even more than I already have.  RH
makes it /really/ a challenge to integrate new-media software whereas most of
it works off the shelf from OpenSUSE combined with PackMan.  It all depends on
what you've personally had the most experience with, and my 3 years of RH
can't compared to my 10+ years of SuSE.

But yes, my proposed distro is more or less stillborn without help, be it
volunteer or heavily funded by stock options, hefty salaries and that whole
ball of wax.  As a hiring manager on my current day job in Kendall Square,
I've been understaffed for years and *still* have multiple openings for
Linux/DBA people with basically no-limit salary range.  So I doubt the
volunteer labor is available today despite all the talk of recession.


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