Craigslist and looking for a web/php/postgresql guy

Matt Shields matt-urrlRJtNKRMsHrnhXWJB8w at
Sun Nov 2 09:56:21 EST 2008

On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 11:35 AM, <markw-FJ05HQ0HCKaWd6l5hS35sQ at> wrote:

> I posted an ad on Craigslist and explicitly stated that U.S. citizenship
> was required and then applicants MUST be on the Boston side of the rt-128
> loop.
> I'm getting people from Pakistan, India, Russia, etc. answering the ad.
> The rates are insanely low. $12/hour!!!
> IMHO outsourcing is killing the software industry in the U.S. but how can
> companies resist paying software developers McDonald's wages?
> I've tried finding local web/graphics talent on CL as well and I've given
up.  Nothing but a bunch of trolls who don't read posts.  I've even gotten
responses from people who are telling me about stuff I haven't requested
anything about.


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