upgrading video cards...
Derek Atkins
warlord-DPNOqEs/LNQ at public.gmane.org
Mon Dec 22 15:45:51 EST 2008
Quoting Jarod Wilson <jarod-ajLrJawYSntWk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org>:
>> How does it make sure that the kernel-devel package is installed prior
>> to this? The kernel package doesn't depend on the -devel package.
> In the akmods case, if you install a specific kernel module akmod
> package, you get the umbrella akmods package that contains some of the
> infra bits, and that has a dependency on kernel-devel. Or something like
> that. So assuming you don't *only* upgrade the kernel, you should get a
> new kernel and matching kernel-devel at the same time. In thinking about
> it though, I'm not sure how that works 100% of the time without some
> strict package ordering that would ensure kernel-devel was installed
> before kernel... (which there could be and I'm simply not aware of it).
> Actually, from what I've seen, most akmod packages just rebuild on the
> next boot, they don't bother tying into those postinst.d hooks. Would be
> interesting to see if the hooks really can be made to work reliably for
> the "need stuff in initrd" case though.
Yeah.. The DKMS stuff I've seen always rebuilds on the next reboot,
which isn't good enough for my use case. I think I need to look at
akmod but my cursory googling hasn't come up with any documentation at
all about what it is or how it works. If that's better then maybe that
could work instead.
Right now the plan is to have a server build kmods in a mock envrionment
and then we can make those available. But something that rebuilds
automatically on a kernel upgrade would be useful, too. But the rebuild
needs to happen prior to reboot. I suppose I could trigger on the
kernel-devel package instead of the kernel package. I don't mind
rebuilding the initrd myself (in my packaging scripts).
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warlord-DPNOqEs/LNQ at public.gmane.org PGP key available
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