python threads?
Stephen Adler
adler-wRvlPVLobi1/31tCrMuHxg at
Sun May 27 12:56:06 EDT 2007
Hi all you pynuts...
I'm playing around with the threading module and wrote a simple test to
see python threads in action. The supprize was that it was easy to
implement, but I didn't get the full mult-thread benefit that I thought
I would get.
Basically, I have a counter object which counts up private instance of
an integer. I then spawn N number of these threads, expecting the real
time execution to be constant up to the number of CPU's on my system.
What I found out was that spawning 1 thread, I use up 99% of a CPU, if I
spawn 2 threads, I get 115%, (i.e. 1 whole CPU and 15% of another.)
Spawning 3 threads, I get 115%.... So I'm wondering why the python
thread does not use up two full CPU's? My code, and some time commands
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) GPL.
# This code prototypes the use of threads in python
import threading
import optparse
import sys
class Counter(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
while 1:
#if (self._counter%1000000 == 0):
# print self._counter
if (self._counter==10000000):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'pythread test'
print sys.argv
for i in range(nbOfThreads):
for i in range(nbOfThreads):
[adler at telacode pythreads]$ time ./ 1
pythread test
['./', '1']
real 0m5.584s
user 0m5.398s
sys 0m0.159s
[adler at telacode pythreads]$ time ./ 2
pythread test
['./', '2']
real 0m13.481s
user 0m12.290s
sys 0m2.951s
[adler at telacode pythreads]$ time ./ 3
pythread test
['./', '3']
real 0m19.648s
user 0m17.757s
sys 0m4.899s
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