Linux Newbie Info Request
Laura Conrad
lconrad at
Mon Jul 10 09:23:45 EDT 2006
>>>>> "JD" == admin <admin at> writes:
JD> Here is my question: I need to secure some reliable hardware
JD> to learn this stuff on. Laptops would be great, but a desktop
JD> is sufficient. I am looking online for places that might be
JD> able to supply a machine already running this stuff. I figure
JD> I will learn it from a proper, sound installation first. Then
JD> I can install it myself once I get the general hang of it.
JD> There doesnt seem to be a place (at least, from my googling
JD> there doesnt) that specializes in the sort of thing or can
JD> even provide the service.
JD> If any of you are aware of a way for me to address this, or a
JD> place that could help me, I would appreciate it.
I just went through buying a new machine, and ended up getting
a generic machine and putting Ubuntu on it. The Ubuntu install is
pretty slick these days, although their default install has holes in
it that might be hard for a newbie to navigate around. But the two
places I found that would have sold me a pre-installed system for
something like what a generic Windows system costs were:
If you do decide to install it yourself, or have problems with the
holes in someone else's installation, I'm sure this list will be happy
to help.
Laura (mailto:lconrad at , )
(617) 661-8097 fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
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