Need an (MS-Windows) App to run on Linux?

Bob BLU blu at
Mon Jan 30 08:41:52 EST 2006

Need an App to run on Linux? Request it here!

A lot of people are converted to the idea of switching to Linux in their data center based on the tremendous cost savings that represents, but find that there are one or two key applications they need to use in their business that are currently not available on Linux. The vendors who create those products need to hear about your needs, but they need more than one or two requests to make it worth their investment.

That's where we come in.

If you've got any critical applications that you MUST be able to use on Linux, please take a minute to let us know what they are. We'll monitor the submissions to see what the most popular requests are, and do what we can to nudge the vendors in that direction. Together, your voices will count for more than they would separately.

Note: If you have more than one product to request, you'll need to fill out a separate submission form for each one. We may contact you via email for additional information if your request is particularly intriguing.

Thank you for helping us grow the Linux marketplace!

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