[blu] (OT) Fwd: My take on E911 and VoIP
MFF/RThomas D. Horne
hornetd at mindspring.com
Mon May 30 23:56:19 EDT 2005
Gregory Galperin wrote:
>On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 02:36:49AM -0400, MFF/RThomas D. Horne wrote:
>>computer network service. The LECs provide access to the POTS switching
>>equipment to paying customers who subscribe to there voice telephone
>>service. They are under no obligation to provide it to anyone else. In
>>my thirty three years of fire and rescue work I have taken many calls
>>with a location of down stairs from, across the hall from, next door to
>>and so forth. This is because those homes had no voice telephone
>>service. In most cases the homes had wire pairs to the premise they
>>just didn't have telephone service. What they chose not to pay for they
>>didn't get.
>I had the impression that even after phone service on a pair has been
>"disconnected," the provider will still route 911 calls from that pair and
>they'll still answer 611 calls to sell you service on that pair. Are you
>saying that's not true?
>I can easily believe that people who haven't subscribed to phone service do
>not have a telephone hooked up to their pair and so they run to a neighbor;
>but that doesn't necessarily mean that their lines lack 911 service.
>thanks, interesting info.
I am an electrician by craft and I have worked as a communications
wireman in the past. It is quite common for an unsubscribed pair to be
dry, and by that I mean to have no measurable voltage on it, let alone a
dial tone. In urban and suburban areas working pairs are in short
supply. When you end your service the next wireman to come along is
going to grab that cable pair for a new install to another subscriber.
Master Fire Fighter / Rescuer Thomas D. Horne, speaking for himself and
not the
Takoma Park Volunteer Fire Department a cooperating agency of the
Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service, Maryland, USA
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