Setting up a shared sftp file area

William Ricker wdr at
Mon May 23 22:23:11 EDT 2005

> > > Now I just need to find a way to force the permissions that sftp/scp
> > > uses.

> The -p switch is not what he wants. He wants scp/sftp to set permissions 
> based on the umask of the local system user. 

In which case UMASK and SGID (chmod g+s) are the universal way to set
the permissions.

On a Linux or Solaris or other recent POSIX compliant un*x, you can uses
ACEs (Access Control Entries) to set default permission access lists on
a directory that are inherited by new/transient files. (The older ACLs
(Access Control Lists) in AIX do not default. This something VMS got
right and was picked up by POSIX and Win-NT.)

cheers, Bill

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