the linux networking utilities hate me

Seth Gordon sethg at
Mon Feb 9 12:52:03 EST 2004

OK, I've figured out the solution.  If I give up trying to set up a 
point-to-point link and declare that eth1 is on the network, 
with a gateway at (the firewall on the other side of the 
access point), without explicitly mentioning the access point's IP 
address at all, then everything works....

Except that when I try to use my laptop to run Emacs over an X 
connection to one of my other computers, the window refreshes at an 
agonizingly slow rate.  I didn't have this problem when I was using the 
AirPort; I don't know if this access point has more latency, or the 
other machine's system load is dragging down X, or what.

// seth gordon // sethg at // //

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