Folllow up to my Disk Druid Question, or "comedy of errors"

Bill Horne bill at
Sat Apr 10 10:51:43 EDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-04-08 at 16:40, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> I prefer installing Linux in an extended partition. This allows you to
> allocate as many Linux partitions as you want. (I personally prefer 
> root, swap, home, and /usr/local file systems). 


Since I've been recommending a single partition for "home" grade
installations, please share the reasons for using this plan.

> Another issue is that during install, you are given the option to
> install the boot loader (GRUB or LILO). These install into the Master
> Boot Record and can easily be configured to boot Windows. 

The Windows loader can also boot Linux: if you're using a corporate PC,
that's sometimes required. Grub does at the start of the Linux
partition, instead of the MBR.

> If you think the MBR is damaged, you can boot Windows rescue diskette, run the fdisk
> command with the /mbr option. 

I wonder if it'll boot into an active Linux partition: does it just take
the active partition, or does it check the partition type?

> The following Linux command will also clear the Master Boot Record:
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1

I suggest the dd command be done from a rescue floppy disk _BEFORE_
installing Linux, to _SAVE_ the existing MBR:

dd if=/dev/hd[a,b,c,d] of=/somefilename bs=512 count=1 (assumes IDE: hda
is primary master, hdb primary slave, etc.)


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