Spam control again

Jonathan Arnold jdarnold at
Wed Jul 16 11:44:22 EDT 2003

> That's pretty much it.  If everyone who uses e-mail would follow these
> guidelines, spam wouldn't be a problem.  It COULDN'T be a problem,

That's pretty much it? 100 lines of instructions, untold hours of
effort getting the information to the people that need it, changing
all your mailing list emails, etc? And have everyone do this once
a year, because at some point, some day, your email address will
get out and you get to do it again.

Silly. I put my email address out there and let the chips fall where
they may. I get 100s of spam mails a day, but simple filters on
my Mozilla email client take 98% of them into the "Junk" folder,
that I quickly glance at a couple of times a day. I refuse to bend
to the will of the spammers. I'm going to use the Internet in the
best possible way that I can. Anything short of that and I might
as well give up using it at all.

All I ask of some legislation or something is that the From: field
be legitimate. Surely that can't be all that hard to enforce. The worst
is when I get bounced email from a spammer who has used my address
in the From: field.

Jonathan Arnold     (mailto:jdarnold at
Amazing Developments

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.  Mark Twain

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