spam control again

John Chambers jc at
Tue Jul 15 16:26:24 EDT 2003

John Whitfield writes:
| Perhaps a better response would be to attack the business side of the problem.  Most spam is predicated on the idea that you can turn a profit even if only one person responds because the marginal cost of each email is near zero.  Spammers already complain (and we feel *SO* sorry for them) that their costs have been driven up by anti-spam efforts such as filters.
| The important thing is to turn the "one person in a thousand" logic on its head.  At the potential penalty of a nickel per person, the one buyer would have to shell out $5000 just to break even.  And there aren't that many buyers like that out there.

There's a great spoof of all this:

I don't know whether they've ever collected, but  it's  fun
to read.  And note that they invite you to copy their pages
and set up your own similar "service".

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