an editor that doesn't require any esc or control keys to be used...

John Chambers jc at
Fri Aug 16 15:31:35 EDT 2002

mike ledoux writes:
| Indeed, I've used vi on systems with no ESC key, but that functionality
| was always mapped to either a control sequence (ctrl-[, ctrl-2) or a
| function key (F3, F11).  The control sequences are obviously out, and
| the function keys almost certainly are (they usually travel the line as
| a control sequence).

Yeah, and I know how to rededine the functions keys.  This doesn't do
you  much  good,  since they send things that start with ESC.  I know
that it's possible to remap the ESC key, but I don't seem to find the
magic encantation that does it. I wonder if it's documented anywhere,
or if you have to grovel around in the source to find it?

| Once you eliminate all escape and control sequences, you're left with a
| subset of plain-old 7-bit ASCII, right?  Alphanumerics and a few symbols;
| what character would you give up to use for ESC?

As I recall, I've seen it mapped to  assorted  other  control  chars,
whatever would pass through to the other end. CTL-E or CTL-G or CTL-P
or some such.  Anything that's not being used for some other purpose.

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