What is SDL?

linuxguy at ici.net linuxguy at ici.net
Tue Sep 25 19:30:48 EDT 2001

Howdy all,

I'm in the mode of compiling games and activities for my
kiddies to play on my computers.  For those not familiar with
my setup at home, I have a beefy server in the basement and
diskless terminals (X-terminals in the traditional sense) throughout
the house.

A lot of nifty games I'm looking at require the SDL (Simple DirectMedia
Layer) package to work.  If I understand it correctly, SDL provides
a API to directly address video/audio hardware much like M$ DirectX which
leads me to believe that these games won't work over a remote X11
session.  Meaning, SDL games running on the server won't display on
my terminals as expected.  True?

Comments on SDL or suggestions for kids Linux-friendly games appreciated.

- christoph

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