small, portable server-like computer w/o keyboard or monitor?

mike ledoux mwl+blu at
Thu Sep 13 13:59:03 EDT 2001

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Robert Brown wrote:

>A few years ago, I remember there was a demo of a computer being designed by
>Corel (I think) that was very small.
>Anyway, I'm looking for something like this.  Not a desktop and not a laptop:
>somewhere in between.  I would like it to have disk space, perhaps a
>parallel port or SCSI port, an ethernet jack, but no video or keyboard
>needed to run it.  Obviously, it has to be able to run Linux, preferably
>Debian GNU/Linux.
>Does anything like this exist?

Something like the Cobalt Qube[1] or the NetWinder[2]?  Sure. :)
I can't speak for just how usable either is, having never used one,
but they sure look small.

I also remember another company talking about a device like this a few
years back, but I don't recall who it was or if they ever actually
produced it commercially.

mwl+blu at                 
Holder of Past Knowledge           CS, O-
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