On being a mediaone customer...
Duane Morin
dmorin at morinfamily.com
Tue Sep 4 19:08:54 EDT 2001
ok, I recently became a mediaone customer when I moved to North Andover.
However, being a Linux user with my own domain I happily set it up with TZO
and receive my mail at morinfamily.com like I always have. And of course I
promptly ignored everything they told me about my mediaone username and email.
It occured to me recently that I should probably pop that address regularly to
make sure that I'm getting any messages they might send about outages or
blocking of port 80 or stuff like that. Of course, I've forgotten what they
told me. Assuming that I can remember my username and password, can somebody
out there give me a quick lesson in where I'm supposed to point in order to
get my mail, web, and news?
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