VI course in area

joel Gwynn joelman at
Sat Oct 20 11:48:26 EDT 2001

Mako Hill wrote:

>>I was inquiring if there are any 1 day courses for use on the VI editor in
>>Unix in the Massachusetts/New England area.  I've been searching on line,
>>and not had much luck.
>I've taught quick (2h) workshops on both Emacs and vi for
>beginners/intermediates for my old LUG (Five College Linux User Group in
>Western Mass). There will definately be more workshops this year taugh by
>myself or someone else although nothing is on the calendar yet.
>If there was enough demand in the Boston area, I'd be willing to teach (or
>offer the job to someone more qualified) if someone has a space.
>It's a pretty excuse to get together, geek around for a couple hours, and
>then go get food/drink. 
vi isn't that hard.  This quick reference helped me learn enough to 

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