multi-boot 98/nt/linue

Vince McHugh vince_mchugh at
Sun Oct 14 22:15:47 EDT 2001

> You can certainly tri-boot NT/98/Linux using
> NTFS/FAT32/ext2, so I'm still
> not quite understanding why you'd want to use FAT.
> -- 
> -Ron-

  Windows NT4 will not install on a FAT32 partition,
nor will Windows 98 install on a NTFS partition. So by
using a common FAT partition you can install both
Win98 and WinNT on the same partition. This can
maximize the use of disk space. 
  Anyway it's a personal preference. You could use a
seperate partition for each but then the interactity
between 9X and NT is more limited (ie. accessing the
same files from different OSs). I am a big fan of KISS
(keep it simple stupid). 

just my $0.02

.           Regards,       
          Vince McHugh
     Systems Support Manager

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