Plan 9

Jeffry Smith smith at
Wed May 30 12:11:07 EDT 2001

I played a bit with Inferno, the successor to Plan 9, several years ago.  
Note that Plan 9 is NOT unix, it is "Unix done right" (don't flame me - 
that's what the developers called it, and since they built Unix 
originally, they've got a right to say it).  It has some nice ideas, like 
everything is a file (literally - including sockets, devices, etc), so you 
can remotely mount the /proc from another machine.  If you follow Linux 
Kernel Mailing Lists, some of the ideas are getting into Linux.

Having said that - Inferno ran on top of bare HW, Windows, Linux, etc.  
Took about 1MB.  Programming language (shell scripting) is called Dis.  
Worth playing with, don't know what kind of community they're going to 


"Anthony J. Gabrielson" said:
>	I just stumpled on Plan 9 UNIX - I was wondering if anyone has
>tried it and what they think?
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