
John Abreau jabr at
Tue May 29 16:49:30 EDT 2001

Chris Janicki <Janicki at> writes:

> The Lynksys should be able to pass services (like DNS) fine... you just 
> have to set up "Port Forwarding" under the "Advanced" tab on the admin 
> web page.  This will allow requests on particular ports (DNS=53) to pass 
> through your firewall to your server.  It's pretty flexible.

I missed the part about needing to provide DNS to the outside world. 
My home DNS sever is only accessible from behind my firewall; I needed it
because I have about a dozen boxes on my network (including printers,
router, etc.), and it was a royal pain when I had update every system's
/etc/hosts file whenever I added, removed, renamed, or renumbered a box.
A number of the boxes are normally powered down, and get powered up maybe
once or twice a year. A couple of older Suns are essentially paperweights
until I get around to replacing their expired IDPROMs.

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
ICQ 28611923 / AIM abreauj / JABBER jabr at / YAHOO abreauj
Email jabr at / WWW

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